Monday, January 3, 2011


here is my first attempt at decorating a cake. It's a red velvet cake with butter cream icing covered in fondant. I think it turned out pretty cute! now i just hope it tastes good...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

new experience

So today Travis and I decided to give Bikram Yoga a try. I thought January 1st was a great day to try a healthy option. Neither of us have ever done regular yoga but when i heard about bikram yoga it just sounded too appealing to pass up.

Unlike regular yoga Bikram yoga is performed in a hot room (about 104 degrees F) and i have to say it was really incredible. During the process there were times when it was overwhelmingly hot but it felt so incredible to be stretching out and working your body in such a warm environment. Even travis admitted that he felt more flexible than he ever has in the heat. I definitely think we will try to keep going at least once a week.

Although i have to admit i have NEVER sweated like i did today. It was actually a little distracting to have so much sweat pouring out of your body from every pore, but when it was over it was really cleansing.

The Holidays...

Sorry i don't have any pictures but here is a quick outline of how we have spent our holiday time.

Christmas eve we had the day off from the studio so we hung out during the day, made a few goodies and then that evening we went over to hang out at Diana's. I have to say even though we weren't with our families it was really nice to be able to spend time with our "east coast" family. We had a great time with lots of yummy appetizers and treats, darts, and a giant puzzle everyone worked on together. All in all we had a really great time with everyone.

On Christmas we woke up, opened our presents, called our families and then went to Diana's again for Christmas dinner. Dinner was absolutely delicious! we had prime rib, homemade mashed potatoes and lots of other delicious side dishes. We also finished the puzzle and played some rock band. We love spending time with everyone and are so grateful for the wonderful friends we have been able to make since we've moved here.

As for presents our main gift to ourselves was a new TV, blueray player, TV stand and netflix subscription. However, travis also suprised me with some great cake decorating stuff and we are so excited to start experimenting with decorating cakes. And i suprised him with a set of his own darts (since we moved here everyone has dart boards at their homes and he LOVES playing whenever we go over). WE also received some great gifts from our friends and some of our students from the studio which we appreciated and loved. From Travis' parents we received a maglite flashlight (tradition his dad gives every year) and also some money toward our entertainment set up. From my parents we received new pajamas (which was so nice, who doesn't love new pajamas?) and also some money for our entertainment set up. Overall, it was a very wonderful Christmas.

The week between Christmas and New Years we didn't do anything special, just the usual at the studio every day. However, we did experience our first east coast blizzard. It was CRAZY! we were trapped at our house for 48 hours. We wished we had been trapped with friends, but it was really fun to actually have a snow day. We even had the day off from work. REALLY FUN!! who says snow days are for kids!

new years eve we did a show at a ballroom studio down on the jersey shore (about 1.5 hours away from where we live). it was really fun and the crowd was really great and really supportive. Then we left and drove back to Gary's to party the rest of the night with all of our friends. Unfortunately we were a little late leaving the shore and we had to spend 12:00 in the car, but at least we were together. Overall, it was a really nice night.

We wish we could have spent the holidays with our family and we miss and love them, but for our first Holiday away we had a really great time!